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샌프란시스코 지하 천연가스 배관 폭발/화재사고 (2019.02.06)


샌프란시스코 지하 천연가스 배관 폭발/화재사고

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The San Francisco Fire Department says five workers have been found safe after a gas explosion and fire and that no injuries have been reported. Three-story flames in a neighborhood could be seen leaping into the air Wednesday.
SAN FRANCISCO – A gas explosion in San Francisco shot a tower of flames into the sky and burned five buildings including one of the city’s popular restaurants before firefighters brought the blaze under control. There were no injuries.
Wednesday’s explosion and fire sent panicked residents and workers in the city’s Inner Richmond neighborhood fleeing into the streets as flames shot above the rooftops of nearby three-story buildings.
"We just felt the shaking, and the next thing we knew, people were banging on the door to tell people it’s time to start evacuating," said resident Nick Jalali, 28, who was cooking at home when the electricity cut out.
Utility crews put out the fire about three hours after private construction workers cut a natural gas line, which ignited the fire, San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White said. Authorities initially said five workers were missing, but the entire construction crew was found safe, and no other injuries were reported.
Hayes-White said the construction crew was apparently working on fiber-optic wires.
Five buildings were damaged, including a building housing Hong Kong Lounge II, a reservations-required dim sum restaurant that is a fixture on the city’s "best of" lists. The fire began on the street in front of the restaurant.
Officials evacuated several nearby buildings, including a medical clinic and apartments, Hayes-White said. Vehicles on a busy street were rerouted as authorities cordoned off the bustling neighborhood.
Caroline Gasparini, 24, who lives kitty-corner from where the fire was, said she and her housemate were in their living room when the windows started rattling. She looked up to see flames reflected in the glass.
"We went into crisis mode," Gasparini said. "We grabbed our shoes, grabbed our laptops and grabbed our passports and just left." Gasparini said they saw employees of the burning restaurant run out the back door and people fleeing down the block.
Firefighters worked to keep the fire from spreading while Pacific Gas & Electric crews tried to shut off the natural gas line.
"It's complicated," Hayes-White said of stopping the flow of gas through the damaged pipe. Though she later acknowledged that "as a fire chief and a resident, yes, I would have liked to see it mitigated."
PG&E spokeswoman Melissa Subbotin said state excavation rules required crews to hand dig around multiple subsurface pipelines of various sizes before they were eventually able to "squeeze" a four-inch plastic line.
She said since the fire was contained to a limited area, the utility had to weigh the threat from the fire with the risk that would come from more drastic action.
"Had we turned the gas off to a transmission system, we would have shut off gas to nearly the entire city of San Francisco," she said. "The objective of this was to turn the gas off safely and as quickly as possible."



サンフランシスコ消防署によると,ガスの爆発と火災の後,5人の労働者が無事に見つかり,負傷者は報告されていません。 水曜日には,近所の3階建ての炎が空中に飛び込むのが見えた。
SAN FRANCISCO – サンフランシスコでのガス爆発は,火災を鎮火させる前に,市内の人気レストランの一つを含む5つの建物を燃やしました。 けがはなかった。
サンフランシスコ·ファイアー·チーフ·チーフ,ジョーン·ヘイズ·ホワイト氏によると,建設労働者の天然ガスのラインが切断されてから約3時間後に,公共機関の乗務員が火災を鎮火した。 当局は当初,5人の作業員が行方不明になっていると述べていたが,建設作業員全員が無事に見つかり,他の負傷者は報告されなかった。
ホンコン·ラウンジIIという予約が必要な薄額レストランを含む5つの建物が被害を受けた。 火事はレストラン前の通りで始まった。
ヘイズ·ホワイトによると,当局は,診療所やアパートなど,近くのビルを避難させた。 繁華街にある自動車は,当局が繁華街を封鎖したため,リルートされました。
火事のあった場所からキティ·コーナーに住むキャロライン·ガスパリーニさん(24)は,窓がガチャガチャ鳴ったとき,彼女とその家政婦は居間にいると話した。 彼女は炎がガラスに反射するのを見上げた。
Gasparini氏は,"我々は危機的状況に陥った"と述べた。 Gaspariniは,"私たちは靴をつかみ,ラップトップをつかみ,パスポートをつかみ,ちょうど立ち去った"と語った。
ヘイズ·ホワイト氏は,破損した配管を通るガスの流れを止めることについて,"複雑なことだ"と語った。 その後,彼女は"消防署長や住民として,そうですね。緩和されたらいいのに。"
同氏は,"もし,ガスを送電システムに接続しなければ,サンフランシスコ市内のほぼ全域にガスを供給できなくなっていただろう"と語った。 "この目的は,できるだけ早く,安全にガスを止めることでした"


旧金山消防署说,在煤气爆炸和火灾发生后,5名工人被发现安全,并没有受到任何伤害。 星期三,在附近的三层楼里,人们看到了一阵大火。
圣弗朗西斯科-旧金山的气体爆炸了一座塔,大火烧毁了一座大楼,烧毁了其中的五个建筑物,其中包括一座城市的著名餐馆,在消防员救火之前烧毁了一座大楼。 没有受伤。
5幢建筑物遭到破坏,其中包括一栋住宅大楼,一座保留在香港的建筑物,预订了一座保留在该市"最佳"名单上的餐馆。 火在饭店前面的街道上开始着火了。
现年24岁的卡斯帕里尼·加斯帕里尼说,她和她的室友们在客厅里的时候,她和她的室友们在客厅里的房间里。 她抬起头来看着杯子里的火焰。
"这很复杂,"海斯·怀特说,阻止了气体流过损坏的管道。 虽然她后来承认:"作为消防队员和居民,我本来就很想看到它。"